Entries and Categories

The Ireland Journal Derailed . . . Temporarily

There are no posts that I enjoy making more than those in the “Ireland Journal” category. I love sharing our annual adventures in Ireland, the old friends we visit, and the new friends we make. Posting the images also forces me to do the not-so-easy job of editing. It’s one thin, when you are working on a client order; it’s another when they are your own images and you have over 8,000 to view.

I had to put aside the editing because of work and politics in that order. Some important last-minute jobs started hitting me in October; and things haven’t let up since. Just when I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, I discovered it was a train moving toward me at 90 mph.

I’m also finding the political climate that is so blatantly anti-business to be more than a distraction as well. I’ve spent a lot of late-night hours reading legislation and doing the kind of basic research I haven’t don’t since my journalism days. What I’m seeing is scary in the extreme for businesses . . . especially small ones like photography. I’m torn between getting back into politics like I did in the Eighties, or just keeping my head down and my eye on the photography industry in the hope that Washington will realize that they are dismantling the engine that drives our economy. I’d rather do the latter, but as my students know, my business philosophy is that “Management by Hope” is a fool’s errand. So we’ll see.

In the meantime, my goal is to get back to editing and posting in the Ireland Journal during the holidays. I’ll post a direct link as I do so for anyone who is interested. Can’t think of a better way to enjoy my Christmas holiday!